Preparation of the comparative study
Project title: Preparation of the comparative study on analysis of lessons learned from recent developments in implementation of PPP projects in Western Balkans region covering Albania
Source of Funding: EU/ReSPA-Regional School of Public Administration
Project Timeframe: 2015
Fields of expertise: Research -Studies
The aim of this project was to hold a comparative study project with ReSPA, an International Institution set-up as a joint initiative of European Union and the Western Balkan countries working towards fostering and strengthening the regional cooperation in public administration, human resource management and civil service reform among its Member States. The general objective of the comparative study was to foster PPP market development in WB and to encourage development of common PPP practice in the WB region as well as regional PPP projects. The rationale of this study was to explore to which extent the PPP market is developed in Albania in terms of regulatory and institutional framework, readiness to conduct procurement procedure, capability for planning and programming, analyze public needs and financing capabilities and provide overview of investment climate. The objective of the study was to provide the ground for design of long – term investment policies in line with the EU aims leading to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth reversing the negative trends in the past several years. While reviewing the current state of play in Albania, the study provided the recommendation and identified the steps to be taken in mid – term investment policies.