Studies and Development Center (SDC)

Studies and Development Center (SDC), is a non-profit organization engaged in reseach, development and social-economic studies, which does not follow economic benefit purposes and has not political, nor religious views. SDC aims to become an organization of expertise in areas related to the processes of economic, scientific , technological , social and cultural development of the country, as well as a forum where representatives of environmental protection , business , civil society and policy-makers discuss, create and develop policies in the interest of the society. SDC aims to offer the possibility for the formation and deepening of knowledge to all who seek to develop their personal and professional abilities. The mission of Studies and Development Center is to create all the necessary infrastructure to promote and support activities within and outside the organization , through the engagement of a highly qualified staff and professionals, and also establishing a network of cooperation with other donors and institutions within and outside the country.

What we do

Reserach Studies

Albanian Studies and Development Center (SDC) has the resources to undertake qualitative and quantitative research aimed at collecting scientific evidence on various problems affecting the society. Our research consists in reviewing qualitative information through detailed studies by experts. Quantitative research is conducted through field surveys at the level of the representative area, region and nation. The technical and human resources of the center in this field enables the generation of high quality research on various issues and problems of the Albanian society and beyond.

Roundtables, Seminars and Forums

Albanian Studies and Development Center (SDC) uses roundtables, seminars and forums to disseminate research results and to advocate new projects or the ones under development. Roundtables are a means to attract and collaborate with leading experts, practitioners and individuals interested in research and development topics such affecting the enviornment and society. They include environmentalists, government officials, civil servants, parliamentarians, traditional leaders of civil society, the private sector, media, academics, etc.. Through the media, discussions and results are widely disseminated into the public. SDC organizes workshops, seminars and forums in collaboration with experts of national and international reputation.


Albanian Studies and Development Center (SDC) offers consultancy and technical support to public institutions, donor missions and embassies. SDC provides training and technical assistance on environmental issues and social and economic problems. We also offer special consultancy to individuals, companies and foreign delegations on the social-economic situation in Albania. This information is tailored to meet the specific needs of our customers and collaborators.

Project Development/Capacity Increase

Albanian Studies and Development Center (SDC ) offers a wide range of training programs for individuals, NGOs, government agencies, and civil society organizations. Trainings are developed by the center or are developed by collaborations with various national and international organizations. Trainings aim in developing and enhancing individual and institutional capacities in thematic areas such as sustainability and protection of the environment, tourism development, human rights, social and ecomomic issues, project development, etc..


Albanian Studies and Development Center (SDC ) aims to establish a broad network through collaborations and partnerships with stakeholders. Currently SDC works with a vast number of specialists with diverse technical backgrounds such as: economists, experts in environmental sciences, lawyers, engineers, policy and social sciences experts and managers who can provide extensive research and development services ranging from the design of research instruments, training experts, outreach experts, statistical analysis, reporting etc.. Also, these specialists participate in activities required by our customer in order to service the various projects that the center undertakes.