Reading, a better future

Promotion and orientation toward reading books of interest to 9-year school pupils by considering two schools and two in the suburbs of Tirana.

The project aims to guide the children towards valuable books for their age and at the same time to find out how much this age group has the proper information and orientation towards proper reading. This will be achieved through a survey and a structured questionnaire. The activities identified, it is intended to contribute to the promotion of the book and any information on the titles being promoted, the best-selling book results will be achieved through focus groups set up in pilot schools to build online readers, libraries, libraries offering free service for these age groups.


  • Raising awareness, of how to love it and make it readable, the importance of orientation of children and parents to the world of books especially to those that generate interest.
  • Distribution of information about book promotion and orientation towards the world of books with new publications such as publications with local writers as well as books translated into Albanian