Youth – Environmental Challenges

Source of Funding: AMSHC Albania
Project Timeframe: 2014 – 2015
Fields of expertise: Environment-Water and Natural Resources

The aim of the project “Youth- Environmental Challenges” was to educate a target group of high-school students on Environmental Legislation, Youth Awareness of Environmental Challenges, Sustainable Development, and Climate Change through the application of environmental and legal instruments by international standards and norms.
In present days it has become important to protect the environment, reduce the negative effects, and encourage environmentally friendly economic activities.

The main objective of the project was to raise awareness among high-school students about the importance of environmental protection and the promotion of environment preservation practices. The project promoted the exploitation of the potential of young people and their community through direct involvement and contribution to the benefit of the community and the environment where they live.

Specific objectives:

  1. Informing pupils in three high schools Sami Frasheri, Partizani, and Petro Nini Luarasi in Tirana districts on Environmental Protection,
    Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Environmental Legislation.
  2. The challenges that represent climate change and what can currently be achieved in environmental protection against this
  3. Recognition of environmental legislation and integration of the new generation into decision-making on environmental issues.
  4. Student awareness on solid waste recycling, as the most effective measure for environmental protection.

Quantitative & Quality Indicators:

  • Enhance awareness and train approximately 240 students who will gain basic knowledge of Environmental Legislation, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development to enhance and adopt this kind of knowledge towards the environment as well stimulate the environment culture to other young people for the generations to come either in schools and the community where they live.
  • Improve the quality of the environment and enhance the performance of the community, and schools in the city towards the environment.
  • Enhancement of the youth awareness on knowledge and implementation of laws and active participation in addressing key environmental issues today.
  • Creating links between schools, local government structures, civil society, and the community for identification, and addressing the problems related to environmental awareness.
  • Youth Awareness on the Recognition and Enforcement of Environmental Legislation and their Active Participation in Designing Governance Policies.
  • Creation of innovative co-operation groups for environmental projects, inclusion of new generation in this field.